Senin, 21 September 2009

Sebuah pilihan untuk menghentikan kehamilan

Maia Solution - News

Penggunaan pil (ru-486) telah menjadi sebuah pilihan yang populer oleh para wanita di Amerika Serikat dalam usaha untuk menghentikan kehamilannya. Tercatat lebih dari 1 juta wanita Amerika telah memilih cara ini.

Sampai saat ini, penggunaan pil masih dikatakan aman. Bahkan seperti dilansir dari situs ABCNews, beberapa ahli asal negeri Paman Sam itu mengatakan, penggunaan pil terbilang lebih privasi ketimbang harus melakukan pengguguran janin di rumah sakit.

Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan di Klinik Planned Parenthood menunjukan bahwa menghentikan kehamilan dengan pil adalah cara  yang disukai karena tanpa resiko yang berarti bagi penggunanya.

Pendapat senada disampaikan seorang professor di Columbia University, Dr. Beverly Winikoff. Dia menyebutkan, cara yang aman melakukan aborsi yaitu dengan menggunakan pil dan dipilih karena disebut sebagai pilihan cara medis yang bersifat pribadi.

A woman has many decisions to make when considering abortion. If you decide to end a pregnancy, your health care provider may talk with you about a few different abortion methods. You may be offered the option to have an abortion procedure, which is the kind of abortion discussed on this page. Or you may be offered the abortion pill.

Whether you’re thinking about having an  abortion, you’re concerned about a woman who may be having one, or you’re someone who’s just curious about abortion methods, you may have many questions. Here are some of the most common questions we hear women ask about  abortions. We hope you find the answers helpful. And if you’re thinking of having an abortion procedure, we hope they help you decide what is best for you.
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Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

Pil Penghenti Kehamilan

MifepristoneImage via Wikipedia

Saat ini Maia bisa melayani penjualan paket personal penghenti kehamilan berupa:

  • Paket Personal 1 (PP1) terdiri dari: RU-486 - 200 mg (1 Strip isi 3 tablet  atau 3 x 200mg). Dosis untuk menghentikan kehamilan maksimum 4 minggu (1 bulan) seharga Rp. 690.000,-

  • Paket Personal 2 (PP2) terdiri dari: RU-486 - 200 mg (2  strip isi 3 tablet atau 6 x 200mg) dan Mifeprostol - Early Option® 400 mcg/0.4 mg (2 tablet atau 2 x 0.4mg). Dosis untuk menghentikan kehamilan maksimum 12 minggu (3 bulan) seharga Rp. 990.000,-

  • Paket Personal 3 (PP3) terdiri dari: RU-486 - 200 mg (2 strip isi 3 tablet atau 6 x 200mg) dan Mifeprostol - Early Option® 400 mcg/0.4 mg (4 tablet atau 4 x 0.4mg). Dosis ini untuk menghentikan kehamilan maksimum 20 Minggu (5 bulan) seharga  Rp. 1.290.000,-

Note: Panduan lengkap ada dalam kemasan.  Janin mulai keluar setelah 8-12 jam minum pil, dalam bentuk cairan haid.
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Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

What is RU-486 - Mifeprex®

RU-486 is the name commonly used for an artificial steroid that blocks progesterone, a hormone needed to continue a pregnancy.

Other names for RU-486:
Mifepristone is the generic name for RU-486. In the U.S., RU-486 is sold under the brand names Mifeprex®, Mifeprestone -
Mifegyne® and Misoprostol - Early Option®.

An RU-486 abortion involves two drugs
When taken alone, RU-486 causes a complete abortion only about 60% of the time. A second drug, misoprostol a prostaglandin, is given 48 hours later to increase its effectiveness to 99%. The prostaglandin causes uterine contractions to help expel the embryo.

How does RU-486 work?

RU-486 is an artificial steroid that interferes with the action of progesterone, a hormone crucial to the early progress of pregnancy. Progesterone stimulates the proliferation of the uterine lining which nourishes the developing child. It also suppresses normal uterine contractions which could dislodge the child implanted and growing on the wall of the mother's womb.

RU-486 fills the chemical receptor sites normally reserved for progesterone, but does not transmit the progesterone signal. Failing to receive that signal, a woman's body shuts down the preparation of the uterus and initiates the normal menstrual process. The child, deprived of necessary nutrients, starves to death. The baby detaches and is swept out of the body along with the decayed uterine lining.

Anatomical model of a human pregnancyImage via Wikipedia
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